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Monday, October 28, 2013

Award, presentations, and the taper

It has been a busy few weeks, so here is a quick recap:

I am proud to announce that I was second place in the National Economics Teaching Association (NETA)/Cengage Learning Best in Class Award competition. Part of my award was a paid trip to the 9th National Economics Teaching Conference in Austin, TX October 24-25. I had never attended this conference, but it is now on my annual list of "Must do" conferences. Not only did Cengage and NETA put on a well organized conference with great speakers, but the group of economists that attend are fantastic. I came away with great ideas and new friends/colleagues...and running partners! I am far from the only "Running Economist".

I will be presenting this project again on Friday morning at the VCSS Annual Conference in downtown Roanoke. My session is scheduled for 9-9:50 am in Pocahontas B at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center. I hope to see you there.

The writing continues to progress as well. I am waiting for the final approval from Administration to submit a manuscript analyzing 2011-12 Senior Exit Survey data, which should occur this week. I will post a draft to SSRN once I get the OK.

Finally, the taper for the Philadelphia Marathon has officially begun. My last big run was Sunday (22 miles with 4 x 800 at 5K effort) and it went very well.

Happy Halloween,


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